Joy of Helping has been supporting one of the Gynaecology camps since 2003. In seventeen years, Bhojay Trust was able to perform 850 such operations through our support. Rural women in Kutch had been suffering from prolapsed utters and large fibroids, particularly because they thought it was common after home delivery.
Our intervention successfully broke the stigma that it was not necessary to suffer from heavy bleeding and discomfort. After the operation, they could live a productive life with their family. This had been affecting the whole family financially due to her sickness.
The first camp was organized in 1999, which thereafter became a regular feature of their activities. Till now, more than 3500 women have undergone successful gynaecology surgeries in 60 camps over 22 years.
The mother of mentally challenged girls brought them to the gynaecology camp to avoid pregnancy due to rape. Many times, poor girls were the victims of rape.