We Want to Serve Humanity

Serving Humanity

about our Founders

Mr. Ramesh Shah, a seasoned philanthropist, continues to dedicate himself to humanitarian causes even in his 80s. His enduring commitment has served as a beacon of inspiration, illuminating and alleviating various forms of suffering in the lives of countless individuals.

Alongside him stands his compassionate wife, who, like him, has devoted the majority of her life to serving humanity.

She has shown her dedication through initiatives such as providing food to the homeless, offering hospice care for seniors, and empowering marginalized communities.

Located in Los Angeles, USA, the Shahs have not forsaken their Indian heritage of societal contributions.

After their prosperity as a business family, they, along with their friends, family, and a community of generous donors, have committed their lives to making the world a better place for future generations of humanity through impact-based donations to a wide range of causes.

Mrs. Prafulla Shah and Mr. Ramesh Shah

Founders of Joy of Helping

Founder's Note

"We have always believed it is our responsibility to contribute to society...

During the establishment of our foundation, we encountered numerous individuals who shared our vision for an ideal society and were eager to instigate tangible positive change.

We take immense pride in the fact that today, the Joy of Helping extends beyond ensuring education for the underprivileged, providing healthcare, eradicating preventable blindness, empowering and supporting women in sustaining their families, and furnishing facilities for differently-abled children.

We are also empowering the lives of countless young individuals and have been able to deliver healthcare to women and children.

Our mission remains incomplete until we witness smiles on every face around us and ensure that no one loses the strength to confront life’s adversities.”

Mrs. Prafulla Shah and Mr. Ramesh Shah

Our Story

Maandvi to LA

Ramesh A. Shah arrived in the United States 1967 and achieved a Master of Business Administration (MBA) by 1970. His career spanned over sixteen (16) years, during which he held positions in various major corporations. In 1986, he embarked on an entrepreneurial venture, establishing his manufacturing business, where he effectively managed a workforce of over 100 employees. Simultaneously, he devoted significant efforts to philanthropic endeavors in India, commencing in 1984.

Ramesh Shah discovered a profound sense of renewed strength and satisfaction in aiding others, a unique source of fulfillment for him.

His philanthropic work encompassed the following highlights:

  • Collaboration with Bidada Sarvoday Trust, active since 1984, involving yearly participation in camps alongside doctors, volunteers, and trustees. He contributed over $150,000 since 2000 to support this initiative.
  • Assumed responsibility for managing, collecting, and disbursing approximately $30,000-$40,000 annually to fund cardiac camps. This program aided underprivileged children and impoverished working women afflicted with heart conditions like ASD, VSD, MVR, DVR, and PDA. These individuals were sent to Mumbai for surgical intervention, and dedicated volunteers oversaw their care from the initiation to the conclusion of the surgical process.
  • Managed the Helping Hands for Helpless and Handicapped project for five years, amassing substantial experience in disaster relief efforts. He raised and donated more than $225,000 to aid earthquake victims.
  • He then undertook a personal endeavour, gathering and contributing over $120,000 to establish the Handicapped Children’s School in Bhuj, Kutch, India. This state-of-the-art, 18,000 square foot educational facility was purpose-built to cater to the unique educational and vocational needs of handicapped children.
  • In 2007, he generously donated $165,000 for the acquisition of 30 acres of land in Kutch, India, with the intent of establishing a College of Engineering. Construction activities have commenced on this project.
  • In recent years, Ramesh Shah redirected his focus towards addressing preventable blindness after extensive research on the cost-effective methods to alleviate blindness among disadvantaged populations. He has passionately embraced this cause as his newfound calling, pledging to utilize his full capabilities to make a difference.
  • He founded Joy of Helping, a sequelling NGO to Helping Hands.

In his future, he has decided to concentrate his efforts, into impact-based philanthropy. Despite approaching what is traditionally considered retirement age, Ramesh Shah remains far from ready to retire. He possesses abundant energy and is committed to tackling all new projects with the vigor and enthusiasm of someone half his age.

Founders’ Note 2023

Looking Back on 2022 Gratitude and Hope We extend heartfelt gratitude for your exceptional support, positively impacting countless lives. Surpassing our 2023 goal of $400,000 ...

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CFO’s note-2023

From the Desk of our Chief Financial Officer I am thrilled to announce that we have received over $400,000 in donations this year from many ...

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CFO’s note-2022

From the Desk of our Chief Financial Officer Last financial year had a little economic turmoil in its basket as far as global financial markets ...

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Founders’ Note 2022

Looking Back on 2022 Gratitude and Hope We extend our profound gratitude for the remarkable support you have extended and the profound transformations you have ...

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CFO’s note-2021

From the Desk of our Chief Financial Officer We are proud to report to our donors that we were able to fulfill our dream of ...

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