Our Projects

Support Provided to

The Driving Forces

Supporting institutions working at the grassroots level in the areas of

  • Offering Education to children residing in slums and tribal regions.
  • Enhancing the Health standards of children in areas with high mortality rates attributed to malnutrition.
  • Rehabilitating Individuals with mental or physical disabilities, including those who are hearing impaired or have cerebral palsy.
  • Empowering Women through vocational training, enabling them to lead dignified lives.
  • A primary objective is to combat Curable Blindness, collaborating with dedicated eye hospitals in India and Kenya.
  • Amplifying the Voice of the Scheduled Castes against caste-based violence and discrimination, with a particular focus on the most economically disadvantaged.
  • Preventing Diseases through targeted initiatives.
  • Encouraging Women to engage in self-help groups and income-generating projects.
  • Providing Support to NGOs committed to working in the most impoverished and challenging regions.
  • Prioritizing NGOs that maintain complete transparency.
  • Taking action Against the Abuse of Women and Children.
  • Protecting the Environment and Providing Disaster Relief Support for affected areas

"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up."

John Holmes

From Charitable Trusts to Grassroots NGOs

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