“An orphan's worth is not determined by the circumstances they were born into, but by the strength they exude in the face of adversity.”

Our Causes

Care for Abandoned or Orphaned Children

Our main goal is to help orphaned children by providing them with proper food, shelter, healthcare, education, as well as assistance in the development of their skills and talents.   

A child is orphaned
every 0 seconds

As per UNICEF’s data, there exists a global population of 153 million orphans, with an alarming addition of approximately 5,700 more children joining their ranks each day, translating to a staggering 1.4 million new orphans annually. This stark reality paints a distressing picture, particularly because a significant proportion of these children find themselves trapped in the clutches of extreme poverty.

Indeed, it is a deeply unsettling situation. Orphaned children grapple with a multitude of challenges, with the loss of parental care being the foremost among them. This loss often sets off a chain reaction of issues, including but not limited to malnutrition, abuse, and neglect. Furthermore, these children frequently encounter difficulties in adapting to life’s demands, often necessitating academic and social support to compensate for the absence of a family structure. Regrettably, such essential support is not always readily accessible to them.

Orphaned children represent the most vulnerable segment of our global community, frequently left to fend for themselves. Their fundamental rights, including access to education, healthcare, and protection, often take a backseat to their primary concern: the pursuit of their next meal.

Impact of Care for Abandoned and Orphaned Children Supported by Joy of Helping

Support Provided to Prerana in 2022

With 41 students benefiting from Joy of Helping’s outreach, counseling, sponsorship, and school enrollment, the impact is evident. By addressing education and holistic development, this collaboration is fostering a generation of empowered individuals who are rewriting their destinies. Empower positive change today! Join us in creating a lasting impact Support ...

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Program for Abandoned Children with Nari Gunjan in 2021

Nari Gunjan worked diligently with children who had been neglected and abandoned, extending a caring hand to babies who were unwanted and disposed of shortly after their birth, as well as to toddlers aged around 2 or 3 years who had been left on trains or at bus stations. Our ...

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Prerana’s Night Care Center(NCC) in 2021

Prerana’s Night Care Center (NCC) is a space created to ensure the safety and development of children living in the red-light areas. This program was initiated as a response to the needs of mothers in the sex trade to keep their children safe during the night. The NCC provides services ...

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We are creating solutions

Our Partners in the cause

We collaborate with numerous NGOs to combat lack of education among rural, underprivileged communities in Bihar, and Children of Sex Trade across various initiatives.

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