CFO’s note-2022

From the Desk of our

Chief Financial Officer

Last financial year had a little economic turmoil in its basket as far as global financial markets were concerned, the ill effects spilt over a lot of our philanthropic ‘sewa’ work too. We fell slightly short of our target set for 2022 but all it did was filled us with double the amount of enthusiasm and hope for the year ahead. We have already taken giant strides in that direction.

From identifying key projects touching various health and wellness parameters of our communities to execution of such projects in a phased manner with clearly set, timely deliverable goals; our relentless mission is to make sure we have supreme efficiency with maximum impact.

We have big plans to support more organizations in 2023.
We hope to collect and donate more than $500,000 this year.

Firstly 100% of donors’ contributions go to the cause. All overhead expenses will be borne by the founder of Joy of Helping

Secondly, Joy of Helping works with several causes. Donors can select the cause, which is most dear to their heart, from education, vocational training rehabilitation of neglected children, children and women health physically and mentally challenged, etc

With your help, let us all share ‘The Joy Of Helping’ !

Mr. Pradip Shah ​

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